Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from William Lewis, 18 March 1781

From William Lewis

Renown at Hoods. 9 oClock 18 March. 1781


Baron Steuben by order this Morning Received has orderd all the Vessels up to turkey Island, which order shall Imediately put in Execution. I wrote your Excellency will please order some provisions, as we shall be without after tomorrow. I am Sir your Most Obedt

William Lewis

RC (Vi); addressed and endorsed.

On 17 Mch. Steuben had written Lewis to order the vessels at Hood’s to Turkey Island because Hood’s was not safe “Whilst the Enemy command the Water.” John Walker also wrote to Lewis on 17 Mch.: “It is by Advice of his Excellency the Governor that Baron Steuben has directed the removal of the Vessels under your command to Turkey Island” (copies of both letters were submitted with the petition of John Ball; see TJ to Lewis, 4 Mch. 1781, and note there).

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