Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from William Lewis, 11 March 1781

From William Lewis

Renown of[f] osbornes. March. 11th. 1781


Capt. Marsenburg [Massenberg] came here last evening and Informs Me that all the Vesels below have taken the advantage of Hampton roads being clear and have gone out.

I am sorry that no step has been taken below to stop those Vessels, as they would have certainly been servicable and I think that no one Individual ought to take the benefit of an opening Espetialy those belonging to the State and my Vessle being Duch [Dutch] property my owners may think Very hard of me by saying that I had the same opportunity to get out as other Vessels. Your Excellency will not think from this that I shall be backward in putting any orders in force that you have been pleased to honour me with and shall Wate At hoods for your further orders. The delay of the Artilery above has keept me here but shall go to day as fair as turkey Island till they all come down.

I am Sir your Most Obedt

William Lewis

RC (Vi); addressed and endorsed.

My vessle being Duch property: See TJ to William Lewis, 4 Mch. 1781, and note there. Shall Wate at Hoods: On 9 Mch. Steuben had written to “the Commander of the Fleet lying at Hoods”: “The Bay and Rivers being entirely commanded by the British Vessells, you will by no means proceed lower down in the River than Hoods, but remain there with all the Vessells that come down ’till further Orders, taking every precaution to prevent your being surprized” (Tr: Vi).

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