Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Gamble, 25 February 1781

From Robert Gamble

Chesterfield, 25 Feb. 1781, “half past 4. oClock P.M.” Baron Steuben being on the point of setting out, he has ordered Gamble to send “the enclosed return of Militia under Genl. Muhlenberg, specifying the Counties they are from. It has this moment come to hand—he has been exceedingly disturbed and uneasy that he had it not sooner in his power to comply with your requisition.” Enclosed also are letters from Maj. Mitchell to Steuben.

RC (Vi); 3 p.; signed: “Ro Gamble Capt. 8th. V.R.”; addressed and endorsed. Printed in CVSP description begins Calendar of Virginia State Papers … Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond description ends , I, 539–40. The enclosed returns are missing; two letters dated “Camp Near Scotts” 22 and 24 Feb. 1781 and signed “N Mitchell Adjt. Genl.,” transmitting returns (“Called for some time since”) to Steuben, are in Vi. But see Return of Militia by Counties, printed at the end of February, for TJ’s copy of returns from Muhlenberg and others.

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