To Thomas Jefferson from John Nicholas, [20 February 1781]
From John Nicholas
[Sandy Point, 20 February 1781]
Agreeable to Colo. Innes’s order to Major Turberville previous to my coming here, I examined Lt. Hare’s Papers, in which I found the enclosed letter which gives me the greatest unhappiness to expose; but with the same hand ever devoted to the service of the Fair, I tenderly let fall the greater weight of my Country’s good; but must still undivested of partiality for so tender a Character, beg she may be first informed of the strict necessity of such a Step, which if painted thro’ my witnessing duty, I am convinced she will pardon—Hare informs me this Letter passed when the Army was at Westover.
Tr (NHi); in Turberville’s hand? This Tr occurs at the top of a sheet on which another extract is copied (see following letter from Nicholas to TJ) and bears this caption: “Extract of a letter from Colo. John Nicholas dated Sandy Point Feb: 20. 1781.”