Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenant of Hampshire, 16 February 1781

To the County Lieutenant of Hampshire

Richmond Febry. 16. 1781.


The inclosed letter is founded on representations received from the Counties of Frederic and Berkely. I have not heard that the same aversion to the service has arisen in your county, and I am led to hope it has not from many considerations: Lest it should however, and you should be delayed by sending here, I inclose you a copy of my letter to the County Lieutenants of the other Counties and leave to your discretion to conduct yourself as pointed out to them, if absolute necessity requires it; if on the contrary you find that the former requisitions of government will be complied with, I am to assure you the public safety needs it indispensably, and to desire that in such case you will keep this letter unmentioned.

I am with much respect Sr. &c,


FC (Vi). The enclosure (not found) was a copy of TJ’s letter of this date to the county lieutenants of Berkeley and Frederick, preceding.

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