Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from George Muter, with Reply, 13 February 1781

From George Muter, with Reply

War Office [Richmond], 13 Feb. 1781. Encloses an attestation of three soldiers enlisted for the war who have applied to Muter for a certificate for their bounty money. Muter desires to know what the bounty for such enlistments is. Below the text are two undated notes in TJ’s hand:

“The bounty for Continental enlistments for the war is 2000 dollars to be charged to the United States and the recruiting money to the officer is 1801 dollars of which 80 are to be charged to the United states. Th: Jefferson.”

“The bounty on state enlistments (that is in the state regiments) is 750 dollars only, the recruiting money 150 dollars, the whole paiable by the state. Th: Jefferson.”

RC (Vi); 2 p.; addressed and endorsed; cover also bears arithmetical calculations.

1This figure is uncertain; it is written above another figure, crossed out.

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