Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from James Wood, 9 February 1781

From James Wood

Charlottesville 9th. Feb. 1781.


Since the Return of the German Troops to the Barracks a Great Proportion of the Regiment of Guards Conceive their times of Service from the Tenor of their enlistments are expired. I have never been Able to learn what the Instructions to the Recruiting Officers were, but from their Certificates Granted to the men they have Certainly Acted very improperly. I have Directed Copies of these Certificates to be made Out, and have the Honor of inclosing them with Colo. Taylors Remarks; and must beg that you will Come to a Detirmination On them, as I have been in Constant Expectation of a mutiny, or the whole going Off, and which Prevents Me from Visiting the Post at Frederick Town. I think the whole of them wou’d reinlist for a Limited time not exceeding Twelve Months. Our Prospect of supplies of Provisions are Very Alarming, and have wrote Mr. Commissary Browne On the Subject.

I have the Honor to be wth. Respect Sir, Yr Excellency’s Very Obt. Servt.,

J Wood.

RC (Vi); endorsed. The enclosed certificates are missing; they had been sent to Wood by Francis Taylor in a letter dated at the Barracks, 5 Feb. 1781 (Vi; substance printed in CVSP description begins Calendar of Virginia State Papers … Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond description ends , i, 490); Taylor’s letter was also doubtless enclosed in the present letter, for it bears an endorsement in the same hand as that on Wood’s letter and on others received by TJ at this time. The postscript of Taylor’s letter reads: “I think if the Soldiers were well Clad they would be much better Satisfied, they have generally been Enlisted 2 years and have received but little more than one years allowance of Cloathing.”

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