Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Clarke, 6 February 1781

From Jonathan Clarke

Albermarle Barracks Feby: 6: 1781.


I had the honor of writeing to your Excellency on the 8th: ultimo when I mention’d, that I had ascertain’d the quantity of Provisions due to the Convention Troops, to the satisfaction of the Issuing Commissary and that he had certify’d it to Mr. Hawkins the purchasing Commissary and that he was going the next day to Richmond for the money.

I now pray leave to acquaint you Sir, that Mr. Hawkins is return’d to this place without the money and he informs me that altho’ he thought himself warranted to pay those arrears at the time he went down the Country and intended to have done it, but upon seeing Major Forsyth who was the Principal in his department, he finds it necessary to have your Excellency’s orders to do it; therefore I take the liberty to enclose you, Sir, an account of the Provisions due agreeable to the returns of each Regiment which I lodged in the hands of Mr. Dickinson the Issuing Commissary, which he examined and found right, also copy of his certificate to Mr. Hawkins and copy of Mr. Hawkins’s acknowledgement of having received that Certificate, and I pray the favor of your Excellency to give the necessary orders to compleat this bussiness which is the only object that detains me here to my very great disadvantage.

Mr. Hawkins also mention’d the rate at which the Provisions were to be paid. I told him I tho’t the price which he at present gives would be the only government, if your Excellency’s opinion coincides with mine, I also pray the favor of you to give instructions upon this head.

I have the honor to be very respectfully Sir Your Excellency’s most obedient Humble: Servt:,

Jona: Clarke Senior Commissary of the Convention Army

RC (Vi); endorsed: “J Clarke, Commissary Convention Army.” Enclosures (filed with the letter in Vi): (1) “An Account of Provision due to the Convention Army. Meat commencing Septr: 13th: 1780. and Flour October 23d: and ending Novr: 17th: 1780. each date inclusive”; in Clarke’s hand, listing the Convention troops by units and tabulating the amount of flour and meat due each unit; totals are 79,203 lb. flour, 193,095 lb. meat; this tabulation is printed in CVSP description begins Calendar of Virginia State Papers … Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond description ends , i, 493–4. (2) Tr of a letter to Joseph Hawkins signed by “Elijah Dickinson, A[ssistant] C[ommissary] Issues, Barracks,” 8 Jan. 1781, stating that “The within quantity of Provisions … are due to the Convention Troops agreeable to returns lodged in my hands”; below Dickinson’s letter is Tr of statement signed “Jos[eph] Hawkins, A[ssistant] C[ommissary] P[risoners],” without place or date: “I acknowledge to have received a Copy of the above Certifcate.”

See Hawkins to TJ, 30 Dec. 1780; Clarke to TJ, 8 Jan.; TJ to Clarke and also to Hawkins, 7 Feb. 1781.

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