Thomas Jefferson Papers

William Rose’s Return of Tents, with Addenda by Jefferson, [5 February 1781]

William Rose’s Return of Tents, with Addenda by Jefferson

[5 February 1781]

A List of Tents delivered the Army & Militia during the last & present Invasion.

Octo. 3d. delivered to Stephen Southall for Genl. Muhlenburg Tents 23
7 To Jno Carpenter QMS for the Garrison Reg. 48
31 To Ben Sharp sejt. for Colo Harrisons ditto 10
Nov. 4 To Richd Philips for Continental use. militia1 15
5 To Jno Hord QMS. militia1 45
7 To Wm Jones QM for major Magills corps 14
ditto Magill for his use a horsemans tent 1
To Capt Eddin 1 ditto 1
9 To Colo Spotswood 1 ditto 1
10 To Jno Royall Lt. for Colo Lawsons volunteers 20
16 To Capt Higginbothan for the Augusta militia. delivd. here to Southall2 7
To Capt Christian for the Amherst ditto 7
Capt Harrises for   for ditto 5
17 To James Barret capt for ditto 7
24 To Wm. Barnet ensign for capt Morrison’s compy Amherst Volunteers 9
To Wm. Ingram for capt Johnsons compy Orange militia   17
total 230.tents

Wm Rose DQMG

Of the 48. delivd to John Carpenter3
28. were retained for the State garrison regimt.
20. used by the militia annexed to that regimt. delivd. up at Petsbg.
14. to Jones disposed of as the 20

Besides the within, 14. of thick duck were compleated by Rose Feb. 3. 1780. which with 22. of those in possn. of Sta. gar. reg. were ordd. to be delivd to Capt. Gamble for the militia to be issd by ord. of Bar. Steub. or commdg. off. at principal encampmt. Feb. 5.

MS (DLC); apparently in William Rose’s hand and signed by him, with insertions and additions by TJ as noted below.

See TJ to Davies, this date, above.

1This word inserted by TJ.

2Preceding four words inserted by TJ.

3All that follows Rose’s signature is in TJ’s hand.

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