From Thomas Jefferson to the Auditors, 5 February 1781
To the Auditors
In Council Feb. 5. 1781.
The bearer hereof Lewis Duval came express from Monongalia on necessary business.
Th: Jefferson
RC (Vi: Contingent Fund Vouchers); endorsed (in part): “£657.” On the face of TJ’s note are the following calculations in another hand:
“350 miles coming | 700 | |
Do. returning | 700 | |
1 Days Attendce | 60 | |
1460 | @ 14/. | |
3 | ||
£4380 | ||
219 | ||
657” |
A separate note accompanies TJ’s note and reads as follows: “Ms. Auditors I am well Acquainted with the distance from here to the Monongalia and I think it is three hundred and fifty Miles the way most commonly traveled to Mr. Duvals House. John Madison jr.”