Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Wagener, 3 February 1781

To Peter Wagener

Richd. Febry. 3d. 1781.


The inclosed is an Extract from a letter written to me by Colo. Davies who commands at Chesterfield Court-house. I make no doubt you are able to state this matter to our satisfaction, and while duty impels me to require it on behalf of the souldier, my own wishes concur perfectly in affording you an opportunity of justifying yourself by placing this transaction in its true light.

I am with much respect Sr. Yr mst. obt. hbl. sert.,

Thos. Jefferson

FC (Vi); captioned: “Colo. Waggoner.” The letter from Davies, of which an extract was enclosed by TJ, has not been found, but it was the one to which TJ replied on 1 Feb., q.v. See also TJ to Davies, 6 Mch. 1781.

Peter Wagener, county lieutenant of Fairfax, signed his name in the form we have used, and is listed in Gwathmey’s Hist. Reg. of Virginians in the Revolution under this spelling.

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