Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from George Brooke, enclosing Lists of Paid and Unpaid Warrants, 25 January 1781

From George Brooke, enclosing Lists of Paid and Unpaid Warrants

Richmond January the 25. 1781.


By the inclosed list it will appear what sum of money hath been issued and paid away of the last Emission, also the amount of balances due on several Warrants lodged in the Office and partly paid. Those two sums will exceed the sum I was empowered to Emit by the last Assembly. I have also sent you a list of Warrants in the hands of other People but I am well satisfied there are many more, as those I have mentioned are such as I coud recollect and in the hands of persons in or near this place. I shall be obliged to you for your direction with respect to the balance of the money I was to emit and any others you may think necessary to give. Your Excellencys most obedient Servant,

George Brooke


Warrants unpaid lodged in the Treasury. vizt.
  David Ross balance 2,351,376 
  Wm Armistead do 140,970 
  Stephen Southall do 41,870 
  Chas Irving 10,000 
  Granville Smith balances 25,380 
  Edward Carrington do 18,380 
  Nathl Irish do 25,325 
Cash Emitted £4,650,000
  On hand 930,000 
Paid away of the October Emission £4,836,000 
 Warrants in the Office and partly paid vizt
  Mr. David Ross. balance £2,351,376 
  Capt. Nathl Irish 28,035 
  Colo. Edward Carrington 18,380 
    Granville Smith 25,380 
    Carter Braxton Assignee of William Armistead 27,735 
  Stephen Southall 41,870 
Warrants in the hands of Sundrys vizt.
William Armistead 464,243 
  Capt. Edmund Reade 36,600 
  Josias Moffet 21,545 
  Patrick St Lawrence 31,141.4
  James Hays 15,000 
  Charles Thomas 20,000 
  Samuel Bealle, abt. 200,000 
  John Hay, abt 100,000 
  John Reveley 9,000 
  Charles Dick 50,000 

RC (Vi); addressed; endorsed: “Mr. Treasurers Letter 25 Jany 81.” Enclosure (Vi).

There are in Vi, classified as “Contingent Fund Vouchers,” over 300 orders to the state auditors during TJ’s governorship. Most of them are in a clerk’s hand and signed by TJ, although some are entirely in TJ’s hand or bear additional instructions written by him. Not all of these communications, which are, in effect, letters of TJ to the auditors, will be printed in this edition. Numerous as they are, the file is far from complete; and the chief value of their inclusion would be to reveal, in some measure, the overwhelming amount of “paper work” which the governorship involved. A conscientious effort has been made to print all of the vouchers having significance or else to give their substance in the footnotes of letters to which they relate (e.g., see James Hayes to TJ, 23 Jan. 1781). Many of the orders to the auditors which will not be printed are routine issues of funds “on account” to officers like those whose names appear in the above enclosure, e.g., David Ross, commercial agent for the state; William Armistead, commissary of stores; Stephen Southall, Continental deputy quartermaster; Granville Smith, state deputy quartermaster; Edward Carrington, quartermaster general for the southern department; Nathaniel Irish, Continental and state commissary of military stores; and Charles Dick, commissioner of the gun factory (Va. Council Jour., ii, passim).

Index Entries