To Thomas Jefferson from John Christian Senf, 21 January 1781
From John Christian Senf
Cabbin Point Janury. 21st. 1781.
On my Return from below I received Your Excellency’s two Letters, and have acquainted the Baron with the Contents of it, but the General has orderd me, that I first would go down with Him below to establish some Posts, which will probably take me five or Six Days.
As soon as I have done this Business, I shall wait directly on Your Excellency for Your further Orders.
I have the Honour to be with great Respect Your Excellency’s most obedt. and most humble Servt.,
Jn. Christn. Senf
Colonel Engineer
RC (Vi); addressed and endorsed.
Your … two letters: Only one of TJ’s letters to Senf has been located, that of 15 Jan. 1781, q.v.