Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from James Hayes, 18 January 1781

From James Hayes

Richmond, Jany. 18th. 1781


When I inform’d your Excellency, that I intended for Philadelphia this week, in order to forward the Printing Apparatus for the use of this State, I had not the presence of mind to mention, that a Horse to carry me there, and a sum of Money would be requisite to purchase Paper and other articles absolutely necessary for the Public use. That alone will now detain me, and as I would wish not to delay time any longer, I hope your Excellency will consider of the matter, that I may immediately set off.

I am, Sir, With great respect, Your very humble Servant,

James Hayes

RC (Vi); addressed and endorsed.

For the earlier negotiations concerning Hayes’ establishment of a printing press in Virginia, see TJ to the Virginia Delegates in Congress, 31 Aug. 1780. See also James Hayes to TJ, 23 Jan., and Joseph Jones to TJ, 6 Feb. 1781.

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