Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Nicholas, 8 January 1781

From John Nicholas

The Forrest Jany: 8. 12 oclock at Night

Your Excellency I doubt not is anxious to hear of the enemy’s situation; they are from every account at Westover with some Corps advanced on the road leading to this place who appear to be under arms as I am. I have about 300 men tolerably well appointed about 40 the best of which are advanced under the command of Cap. Selden within sight of their advanced posts. Genl. Nelson I suppose you have late accounts from. He is at C. City Court-house his Videts and mine were together today at the Church near J Byrd’s. I should be glad of a few good horsemen.

Excuse the want of wafers and command as you think best.

Your devoated

J. Nicholas

[On verso:] A list of Capt. Selden’s Company.

Wm. Blackburn Elisha Owen Wm. Bullington
Michaja Bottom George Milton Jacob Carter
John Gunn John Mcquilque Absalam Browning
Richd. Cock Richd. Barley Symon Sholts

RC (Vi); addressed and endorsed.

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