Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Nelson, 4 January 1781

From Thomas Nelson

Byrds Tavern Jany 4th 1781
8 o’Clock PM


On my Way here this Evening I received Information that the Enemy had landed their whole Force at Westover, and were marching for Richmond. I have ordered the whole Strength of King Wm., King & Queen, and Gloucester, to rendezvous at Bacon’s Ordinary 6 Miles above New Kent Court House, whence I shall march them as will appear best for the Service. The whole Militia of New Kent are now turning out. I am with the greatest Respect, Sir, Your Mo: Obedt. & hble Servt.,

Thos Nelson Jr

Col. Innes is with me, and is without a Commission. Col. Griffin is also in this Neighbourhood. His Colonels Commission from Congress was dated the 26. June 1776.

RC (NHi).

Although this letter is without name or address, it was probably sent to TJ, who forwarded it to Steuben (see Nelson to TJ, preceding). Another letter in the Steuben Papers (NHi), written by Nelson at the same time and conveying the same intelligence, was sent directly to Steuben. It omits the postscript in the present letter but has the following additional passage: “I shall to Morrow march what Force I can collect by the Route of Holt’s Forge, and thence as the Movements of the Enemy shall direct. I expect my Force will by to Morrow Noon be about 350. It will give me Pleasure to receive from you as frequently as possible such Advice as you shall think proper to communicate.”

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