From Thomas Jefferson to ——, 4 January 1781
To ——
Jan. 4. 1781.
Baron Steuben asks the favor of you to appoint some confidential officer or gentleman to go immediately to Chesterfeild court house to take charge of the waggons which are there loaded with arms, conduct them up into the country under such orders as the Baron will give him, for which reason he must call on the baron immediately. I think some such person necessary at Westham. I am, Sir, your most obedt. servt.,
Th: Jefferson
RC (PHi); endorsed: “Govr. respecting some person to be appointed to take charge of Waggons with Arms at Chesterfield. Jany. 4th. 1781. [In another hand] Baron Steubens request. Miscellanies. Taken from War Office. A.D. 1781.”
The addressee of this letter cannot be precisely identified. It may have been written to George Muter after the preceding letter, q.v.