To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Turpin, 30 December 1780
From Thomas Turpin
Decr. 30th. 1780
Dear Sir
As you mention’d in Your Letter, that the rent of the Tenament on which you live never exceeded £20 is owing to a wrong information for I do assure you the lest that it ever rented for Since I held it, was £30 to 35£: ⅌ Annm. and lest such a report may have Some weight with the Jury to my Prejudice tho’t Proper to mention it to Your Excellency. I’ve always tho’t that £30 was a very low rent. I am Dr. Sir with much respect Yor. Most hble. Servt.,
Thos. Turpin
RC (Vi); addressed: “His Excellence the Governor”; endorsed by TJ: “Turpin Thos senr.”
See Turpin’s letter, 22 Dec. 1780, and extract of TJ’s reply printed with it.