From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 13 December 1780
To George Muter
In Council Dec. 13. 1780.
Capt. Thomas is informed by letter from me this day that he may be supplied with money the next week to put the affairs of the Tanyard into a proper state. Colo. Muter will be pleased to prepare proper requisitions on Mr. Armistead for nail rods and tin. The resolution of assembly of June 1. 80 seems to give an authority to the Executive which extends to the removal of a manager and making any necessary arrangements at the foundery, which authority they conceive (tho’ the Governor and council alone are named in the resolution) to be exerciseable in the first instance by the Commissioner of the War office within whose department the foundery is. We think orders should be given to Mr. Kemp to secure the […]1 clock and Cupola by stopping up the open part of the Cupola, or raising a roof over it’s exposed floor, or such other measure as an intelligent workman shall think best. It must be made absolutely secure in some way or other.
Th: Jefferson
RC (Vi). Written at foot of Muter’s letter to TJ of 12 Dec., q.v.
The resolution of assembly of June 1 empowered the executive to examine the public foundry at Westham and to take such measures for regulating it as were necessary ( , May 1780, 1827 edn., p. 28). In the War Office Letter Book (Vi) there is a letter of 14 Dec. from Muter to James Kemp giving orders for the repairs to the cupola and adding: “I must request that you will have [the] determination of his Excellency in this matter carried [out as] quickly as possible.”
1. One word illegible; perhaps crossed out.