Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from the Virginia Delegates in Congress, [ca. 10] December 1780

From the Virginia Delegates in Congress

Philadelphia, [ca. 10] Dec. 1780. Enclosing a resolution of Congress of 6 Dec. relating to the Convention troops and also “a copy of a letter from G. Anderson found among the dead letters in the post office and communicated to Congress by the Postmaster. If there should be occasion for the original of the latter it shall be transmitted on the first intimation.” Imprisonment of Henry Laurens in the Tower is reported in an Irish newspaper. A letter from Jonathan Williams at Nantes, 17 Oct., “confirms an account received several days ago, of the Ariel commanded by P. Jones Esqr. and containing cloathing &c. for the Army being dismasted and obliged to return into port.” Williams also reports that Portugal “has at length yielded to the solicitations of the Neutral Powers and to the remonstrances of France and Spain” by excluding English vessels of war from the privileges they formerly enjoyed in Portuguese ports. “We have received Payment of the Bill drawn by Mr. Benjn. Harrison.”

RC (Vi); 2 p.; in Madison’s hand and signed by him and Theodorick Bland; body of letter printed in full in Burnett, Letters of Members description begins Edmund C. Burnett, ed., Letters of Members of the Continental Congress description ends , v, No. 541. Enclosures: (1) attested copy (Vi, where there is also a duplicate, enclosed in letter from the Continental Board of War to TJ, 11 Dec.) of Congress’ resolve of 6 Dec. ordering “That such of the Convention troops as are not already removed from the barracks near Charlottesville remain at that post until the further order of Congress”; (2) copy (missing) of a letter from G. Anderson to a Captain Trot (or Trott) concerning an attempt to ship corn from Virginia to Bermuda; see TJ to the Virginia Delegates in Congress, 15 Jan. 1781, answering the present letter, and the Delegates’ answer in turn, 30 Jan. 1781.

TJ transmitted Congress’ resolution concerning the Convention troops to Speaker Harrison, 29 Dec. 1780, q.v.

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