To Thomas Jefferson from Meshech Weare, 6 December 1780
From Meshech Weare
Hampton Falls [N.H.], 6 Dec. 1780. Acknowledges TJ’s letter of 27 Sep. accompanying “Copies of the Acts of the Virginia Assembly from the beginning of the year 1779‥‥ I have now the Pleasure of transmitting to your Excellency Copies of the Acts passed in New Hampshire Since our first taking up of Government In the year 1776.” Wishes these exchanges to be continued.
Dft (MHi: Misc.); 1 p.; unsigned; endorsed: “copy of a letter to Gov. Jefferson.” Enclosures not located.
TJ’s letter of 27 Sep. 1780 to Gov. Weare of New Hampshire has not been found, but see under that date for the text of a circular letter presumably sent to all the governors.