Thomas Jefferson Papers

Penet, D’Acosta Frères & Cie. to the Board of Trade, 25 November 1780

Penet, D’Acosta Frères & Cie. to the Board of Trade

Nantes Novr. 25th: 1780


Before this time you have, we hope, been inform’d of the Capture of our schooner the Committee near Cape Henry and her rescue five days after by an American Privateer which carried her into Providence. The Cargo being your Property as Per Invoice and Bill of Lading (Copies of which are here annexed) you have no doubt put a claim on the half which was left unsold after ’tother had been adjudged to the Captors. We are very much concern’d at that unfortunate accident as it deprives you of half of a supply you stand in immediate want of: we expect however, that your Commercial spirits will not be depressed; our future Operations shall be attended with better successes and we are using our best endeavours for that end. We remain Respectfully Gentlemen Your most obedient & very humble Servants,

penet d’acosta freres & cie.

RC (Vi). At head of text appears the word “Copy,” but it probably means “duplicate.”

Our Schooner the committee (i.e., Le Comité): See Samuel Nightingale to TJ, 22 Nov. 1780. It is very likely that Penet knew of the fate of Le Comité when he wrote his long, fulsome, and boastful letter of 22 Nov. and if that communication had not aroused TJ’s suspicions, the present letter, coming so soon after, must have.

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