Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Harrison, 20 November 1780

To Benjamin Harrison

In Council November 20. 1780.


The enclosed Letter from the President of Congress with the resolutions of that honourable body of the fourth instant, having come to hand yesterday and being intended for the consideration of the Legislature, I beg leave through you to transmit them to the General Assembly, and have the honor to be with every sentiment of esteem and respect, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble servant,

Th: Jefferson

RC (Vi); in a clerk’s hand, signed and addressed by TJ to Harrison as Speaker; endorsed: “Governors Letter Enclosing Congress requisition of 4th: Novr:—for specific Supplies. 21st: Novr: 1780—referred to Commttee of whole on State of the Commonwealth.” Enclosures (Vi): Huntington to TJ, 9 Nov. 1780, with enclosed requisitions.

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