From Thomas Jefferson to the Virginia Delegates in Congress, 14 November 1780
To the Virginia Delegates in Congress
Richmond Nov. 14. 1780.
I do myself the pleasure of inclosing to you a draught of Mr. Ben: Harrison jur. and co: on Messieurs Turnbull and co: merchants of Philadelphia for 66,666? dollars for which we have had transferred to Mr. Harrison the Auditors warrant of aug. 9. 1780. for £20,000 Virginia money with which you stand charged in their books.
I have the honor to be with the greatest esteem and respect Gentlemen, Your most obedient & mo. hble. servant.
RC (ViW); in a clerk’s hand, presumably signed by TJ, but signature has been cut out. Addressed by TJ: “The honble. The Virginia Delegates in Congress.” Endorsed: “Gov. Jefferson’s Letter to Delegs. in Congress.” Enclosure not found.