To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 13 November 1780
From Samuel Huntington
Philadelphia November 13. 1780
Congress having received Information from the Honorable the Minister of France, of Inconveniencies and Injuries received by our Allies, resulting from the Abuse the British make of Papers and Clearances they take in American Prizes, by personating the Officers and Commanders named in such Papers, being fully acquainted with the Language and Manners of our Officers and Seamen &c.
In Compliance with the request of the Minister of France, Congress have adopted the enclosed resolution; and I am to request your Excellency’s Attention to the necessary Measures for carrying the same into effectual Execution.
I have the Honor to be with the highest respect your Excellency’s most obedient Servant,
Sam. Huntington President
RC (Vi); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Huntington; at head of text: “Circular.” FC (DLC: PCC, No. 15). Enclosure (Vi, 2 copies): attested copies of resolve of Congress, 10 Nov., respecting clearance of armed vessels from American ports. This resolve (printed in xviii, 1043) recommended “that on the back of the Commission [of every private vessel of war] there be inserted a minute description of the persons of the Captain and his Lieutenant with their Age, Stature, Complexion &c. respectively, certified by the Governor … under his seal of Office,” &c.