To Thomas Jefferson from William Campbell, 31 October 1780
From William Campbell
Hillsborough, October 31, 1780.
I came to this place last night to receive General Gates’ directions how to dispose of the prisoners taken at King’s Mountain, in the State of South Carolina, upon the seventh instant. He has ordered them to be taken over to Montgomery county, where they are to be secured under proper guards. General Gates transmits to your Excellency a state of the proceedings of our little party to the westward. I flatter myself we have much relieved that part of the country from its late distress.
I am your Excellency’s most obedient and very humble servant,
William Campbell
MS not located. Text from a typescript in ViU: Summers Collection.
General Gates’ directions: In DLC is a transcript of Gates’ instructions to Campbell of this date; (much of its text faded to the point of illegibility) containing some corrections in TJ’s hand.