Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 25 October 1780

To George Washington

Richmond Octo. 25th. 1780.


I take the liberty of inclosing to you Letters from Genl. Hamilton for New York. On some representations received by Colo. Towles that an indulgence to Governor Hamilton and his Companions to go to New York on parole would produce the happiest effect on the situation of our Officers in Long Island we have given him, Majr. Hay and some of the same party at Winchester leave to go there on Parole. The two former go by water, the latter by land.

By this express I hand on from Genl. Gates to Congress intelligence of the capture of Augusta in Georgia with considerable quantities of Goods; and information which carries a fair appearance of the taking of George Town in So. Carolina by a party of ours, and that an Army of 6000 French or Spaniards had landed at Sunbury. This is the more credited as Cornwallis retreated from Charlo[tte o]n the 12th. inst. with great Marks of precipitation.

[Since] my last to you informing you of the appearance of an enemy’s fleet they have landed 800 Men in the neighbourhood of Portsmouth and some more on the Bay side of Princess Anne. One thousand Infantry landed at New Ports News in the Morning of the 23d. and immediately took possession of Hampton. The horse were proceeding up the Road. Such a Corps as Major Lee’s would be of infinite service to us; next to a naval force, horse seem to be most capable of protecting a Country so intersected by waters.

I am with the most sincere esteem Your Excellency’s Most obedt. & most humble servt,

Th: Jefferson

RC (DLC: Washington Papers); in a clerk’s hand, with complimentary close and signature by TJ; endorsed (in part): “Ansd. 8h Novem.” FC (DLC). Enclosures not found.

On the Henry Hamilton case, see TJ to Theodorick Bland, 8 June 1779, and references there.

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