To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 18 October 1780
From Samuel Huntington
Philada October 18. 1780
Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed the Copy of an Act of Congress of the 10. Instant wherein they have resolved that the unappropriated Lands that may be ceded or relinquished to the United States pursuant to the Recommendation of the 6. of September last shall be disposed of for the common Benefit of the United States, be formed into distinct Governments, and granted and settled as expressed in the Act and the reasonable Expences incurred in subduing British Posts &c. on such ceded Land shall be reimbursed.
I have the Honor to be &c. &c. &c.,
S. H.
FC (DLC: PCC, No. 15). Enclosure (not found): resolve of Congress, 10 Oct., respecting cession by the states of their western land claims, printed in xviii, 915. Huntington had addressed a circular letter to the state executives on 16 Oct. (FC, same location) with a similar message, but the circular was probably not sent to TJ and is omitted here.
,On the controversy over the states’ western land claims, see Huntington to TJ, 10 Sep. 1780, with references there.