To Thomas Jefferson from Meriwether Smith, 12 October 1780
From Meriwether Smith
Hobbs’ hole. Octo: 12h. 1780
Dr Sir
Inclosed I send you Copies of the Papers I mention’d to you. You know the Importance of them and therefore will retain them for your own satisfaction and perusual.
Pray be so good as to remind the clerk of the Council to send me a Copy of your Letter to the President of Congress with the Account you stated. Your Sentiments with the Respect to the Boundary of Virga. in case of Negociation respecting the Confederation, will be useful to me. I wish you to look on the Map and send me the Lines which in your Judgment will be proper. Adieu! Yrs. &c.
M. Smith
RC (DLC); addressed: “His Excellency Governor Jefferson at Richmond ⅌ mr Ship” (bearer’s name not wholly legible). Enclosures not identified.
Smith had been reelected to Congress to serve from the first Monday in November, but he did not attend until Feb. 1781 (A copy of your letter to the president: Probably TJ to Huntington, 27 July 1780.
, v, p. lxiv).