From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Huntington, 26 September 1780
To Samuel Huntington
Richmond Sep. 26. 1780.
At the desire of Genl. Gates I transmit you the inclosed letters from Genl. Harrington and Colo. Marian and the deposition of a prisoner escaped from the enemy.
A Gentleman will set out from this place within two days for Philadelphia to receive and bring our quota of the new money, which we hope will be in readiness for him.
I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Your Excellency’s Most obedient & most humble servt.,
Th: Jefferson
RC (DLC: PCC, No. 71, i); addressed by TJ; endorsed in the hand of Charles Thomson: “Letter from Govr Jefferson Sept 26. 1780. Read Octr. 2. Enclosing intelligence from the Southward. Referred to the commee of intelligence.” Enclosures: (1) H. W. Harrington to Gates, Camp near Cross Creek, 16 Sep. 1780 (copy with letter in PCC, No. 71, I; printed in N.C. State Records, xiv, 623); (2) Francis Marion to Gates, without place or date (missing; printed in same, p. 621–2); (3) the prisoner’s deposition (not found) was undoubtedly the examination of one William Allmond referred to in Gates’ letters to TJ of 20 and 24 Sep., qq.v.
Read in Congress 2 Oct. and referred to Committee on Intelligence (xviii, 890).