Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Washington, 2 September 1780

To Charles Washington

Richmond Sepr. 2d. 1780.


I have received your Letter of August 23. and in answer thereto am to inform you that I should not myself question but that auditors warrants, would be received in paiment for British escheated property; but I think certificates wou’d not be so received as the law has only made them paiable in taxes. However it is not within the line of my authority to give any answer on this subject which wou’d oblige the officers who have the direction of the treasury. I am with great respect, Your most obedt. servant,

Tho. Jefferson

FC (Vi, photostat from Brit. Mus.: Add. MSS 38,650). At head of text: “Mr Charles Washington fredericksburg.

Charles, brother of George Washington, was an officer of the Spotsylvania militia (Gwathmey, Hist. Reg. of Virginians in the Revolution). His letter of August 23 to TJ has not been found.

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