Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Timothy Pickering, August 1780

To Timothy Pickering

Richmond August 1780.


At the request of General Hamilton I inclose you his state of the deficien[cies] of provisions furnished to the Barracks. I have no reason to doubt the truth of the state so far as it may be understood of animal food, for of meal they have [had] always enough; but in Justice &c. (precisely as the above letter to General Washington only leaving out your Excellency in inserting your board).

I have the honor to be with every sentiment of respect Your most obedient servant,

Th: Jefferson

FC (Vi, photostat from Brit. Mus.: Add. MSS 38,650). At head of text: “Timothy Pickering esquire of the Board of war.” Enclosure not found.

The above letter to General Washington: i.e., the letter immediately following the present one.

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