Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to the Commissioners of the Provision Law for Hanover and Certain Other Counties, 29 August 1780

To the Commissioners of the Provision Law for Hanover and Certain Other Counties

In Council august 29. 1780.


The garrison at being likely to want provisions, we hereby extend your powers as commissioners of the provision Law to live Cattle, and desire that you will by virtue of your commission furnish such number of beeves as the state commissary shall apply to you for, taking proper vouchers for their delivery and transmitting them to me. I inclose you for information as to the manner in which you are to proceed, an extract from the act of assembly passed for that purpose. I have the honor to be with great respect Your most obedient servant,

Th: Jefferson

FC (Vi, photostat from Brit. Mus.: Add. MSS 38,650). At head of text: “The Commissioners of the Provision Law, of Hanover, York, Eliza City, Norfolk, Pr: Anne, Chesterfield and James City.” At foot of text: “In the Lre to James City insert ‘artificers and labourers at the shipyard’ instead of the word garrison.” In the margin: “Similar Lres written 26. octo: 80. to the comrs. of Caroline, N. Kent, C. City.” Enclosure: extract of Act enlarging the powers of the Governor and Council (see TJ to Commissioners to Be Appointed by General Muhlenberg, this date).

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