Thomas Jefferson Papers

Dudley Digges to Edward Stevens, 16 August 1780

Dudley Digges to Edward Stevens

Richmond, 16 Aug. 1780. The governor was yesterday just setting out on a recess “for about 10 days,” when dispatches from Stevens and Gates arrived; that of Gates was acknowledged, and Stevens is referred thereto for more detail. A brigade of wagons is on its way to Stevens with medicines and military stores; when it returns it will be dispatched again with bacon and spirits; flour, it is supposed, can be obtained in North Carolina, where a plentiful harvest is reported. Is pleased by news of advances on the enemy.

Tr (DLC); 3 p.; endorsed: “Copy of a Letter from Governor Jefferson [sic] to Edward Stevens dated August 16. 1780.” FC (Vi, photostat from Brit. Mus.: Add. MSS 38,650); printed in Official Letters, description begins Official Letters of the Governors of the State of Virginia, ed. H. R. McIlwaine description ends ii, 167.

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