Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to William Greene Munford, 10 August 1780

To William Greene Munford

In Council august 10th. 1780.


I received your Letter, inclosing a state of the issues. As soon as you send the residue I will have it settled. Since my writing to you to receive the provisions collecting under the provision law, when I think I mentioned to you that I directed my Letter to you because Colo. Finnie and Major Foresyth told me the duty was within your line, it has been settled by proper authority to be Major Foresyth’s duty, who accordingly writes me he shall be ready to receive the provisions. I have sent him proper orders for this purpose which relieves you from the burthen. I am sir, Your very humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

FC (Vi, photostat from Brit. Mus.: Add. MSS 38,650). At head of text: “colo Green Munford”; this was William Greene Munford, Sr., of Charles City co., colonel and deputy commissary of issues (WMQ description begins William and Mary Quarterly description ends , 1st ser., xi [1902–1903], 260–1; Tyler’s Quart., iii [1921–1922], 179–80; Heitman).

Neither of the earlier letters exchanged by TJ and Munford, here referred to, has been found.

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