Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 9 August 1780

To George Washington

Richmond August 9th 1780.


Agreeable to the resolutions of Congress of January 13. 1780, we have turned over to the Continental Commissary of Prisoners at Winchester forty prisoners of war, a roll of whom I now take the liberty of inclosing to your Excellency.

I have the Honor to be with all possible respect & esteem Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (DLC: Washington Papers); in a clerk’s hand, signed and addressed by TJ: “His Excellency General Washington Head-Quarters”; endorsed. FC (Vi, photostat from Brit. Mus.: Add. MSS 38,650). Tr (DLC). RC and Tr are accompanied by “A list of the Prisoners of War, sent from Williamsburg, and other places in Virginia by order of the Supreme Executive of that State, under the care of Lt. Thomas Bryant of the State Garrison Regiment, to Winchester, there to be delivered to the Continental Commissary of Prisoners [Joseph Holmes] at that place, agreeable to the resolution of Congress of the 13th. of January 1780.” The list is signed by George Muter, “C. W.” (Commissioner of War), dated at Richmond 8 Aug. 1780, and was prepared with meticulous care, giving the forty prisoners’ names, their type of service (land or sea), rank, corps, where taken, and when taken. (Most were taken at Vincennes, Feb. 1779, or “at Sea.”) The names are as follows: William La Mothe (Captain of Volunteers), John McBeath, Antoine Bellfuille, Wm. Boulton St. Clair, Benjamin Woodhouse, Michl. Gordon, Daniel Potts, Henry Wair, Robert Cummins, John Knowler, John Burgess, John Tunkins, Thomas Nugent, William Jackson, James Rule, Thomas Prus, Dugal Kennedy, John Collins, James Givins (“Governor Hamilton’s Servant”), Timothy Kelly, David Martin, James Parkeson, Abel Langley, Reidan Vessey, Robert Briant, Benjamin Pickering, Christo: McGra, John Baiban, William Taylor, John Southerland, John Fraser, John Horn, George Spittall, Thomas Kipple, William Perra, Richard Welch, Thomas Egglestone, James Share, Luke Young, John Thomson.

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