Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Gilmer, 9 August 1780

To George Gilmer

Richmond august 9th 1780


I have spoken to Dr. Rickman on the subject of your Letter. He sais his medicines are just come to Petersburg and that as soon as they are opened, he will send a proper supply for you to this place, from whence it shall be forwarded by the first waggons from your post. Money he cannot furnish you because he has it not. I therefore send £2000 to the commissary to procure for the use of the hospital such meats &c as you shall direct out of the ordinary course of purchases. I also send you a tierce of rice for the use of the hospital.

I am Sir, Your very humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

FC (Vi, photostat from Brit. Mus.: Add. MSS 38,650). At head of text: “Dr. Gilmour”; the letter was obviously intended for TJ’s old friend George Gilmer, serving at this time as a military surgeon (Blanton, Medicine in Va. in the 18 Cent., p. 282, 404, &c.).

Gilmer’s letter to which this is a reply is missing.

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