Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 10 June 1780

To James Monroe

In Council June 10. 1780.

Dear Sir

The Executive have occasion to employ a gentleman in a confidential business, requiring great discretion, and some acquaintance with military things. They wish you to undertake it if not inconsistant with your present pursuits. It will call you off some weeks, to the distance of a couple hundred miles. Expences will be borne and a reasonable premium. Will you be so good as to attend us immediately for further communications. I am Dr. Sir Your friend & Servt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (NN). Endorsed in two (presumably) later hands. No indication of addressee, but it was doubtless Monroe, for the original is among the Monroe Papers in NN, and Monroe, a few days later, undertook an important mission fully described in TJ’s letter to him of 16 June, q.v.—in all probability the mission outlined above.

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