From Thomas Jefferson to the General Assembly, [4 June 1780]
To the General Assembly
[4 June 1780]
I receive with great satisfaction this testimony of the public approbation, and beg leave through you gentlemen, to return my sincere thanks to the General Assembly. I shall cheerfully again encounter the anxieties and assiduities inseparable from the important office to which you are pleased a second time to call me, and only wish to be able to call forth those effectual exertions of my country, which our friends expect, and the present emergency requires.
No MS located. Printed from Journal of the House of Delegates, May 1780, 1827 edn., p. 34.
This message was conveyed to the House by Patrick Henry, who had waited on TJ with other members of a joint committee of the House and Senate to notify him of his election on 2 June (same).