Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Huntington, 11 May 1780

From Samuel Huntington

Philada. May 11. 1780


Inclosed your Excellency will receive an Act of Congress of the 9th Instant with a Letter from P. Legras and other Papers therein referred to which I am directed to lay before the Executive of the State of Virginia as proper for the Consideration of the Assembly of that State.

I have the honour to be &c.


FC (DLC: PCC, No. 14). Enclosures missing; the resolve of Congress of 9 May is printed in JCC description begins Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, ed. W. C. Ford and others, Washington, 1904–1937 description ends , xvii, 416–17; see also xvi, 362. The present letter and enclosures were transmitted to Speaker Harrison in a missing letter of 5? June 1780; see under that date.

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