Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Paulus Æmilius Irving, [April? 1780]

From Paulus Æmilius Irving

Monday Morn [April? 1780]

Major Irving’s Compliments to the Governor. He sends him a few Pease. He is very sorry his stock will not admit of a Larger proportion.

Majr. Irving will esteem it a very particular favor if the Governor will be so good as to Purchase him a few Barrels of fine flour no Matter as to the Price.

RC (MHi). Addressed: “Governor Jefferson.” Endorsed by TJ: “Irving.” On the date, see below.

Maj. Paulus Æmilius Irving of the 47th British Foot (later a baronet and general; see DNB description begins Dictionary of National Biography description ends ) occupied Mazzei’s plantation Colle after Gen. Riedesel’s exchange in 1779. The date assigned to the present letter is tentative, but early peas ripened in April in Albemarle, and Irving’s letter of 2 May 1780 acknowledges the receipt of a barrel of flour. TJ’s Account Books yield no information on this affair.

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