Thomas Jefferson Papers

Proceedings of a Court-Martial and Remission of Sentence of George Ennis, 10 April 1780

Proceedings of a Court-Martial and Remission of Sentence of George Ennis

Albemarl Barracks April the 10th. 1780

At a General Courtmarshal held for the Tryal of Such prisoners as shall come before them:

Major Geo. Walls President

Capt. Purvis Lt. Glenn
Capt. Porter Lt. Carney
Capt. Cherry Ensn. Slaughter
Capt. Young Ens. McGavock
Lt. Brent Ensn. Pollet
Lt. Taylor Ens. Meriweather

The Court being duly sworn Proceeded to the Tryal of George Ennis of Capt. Millan’s Company, in Colo. Crockets Battalion for Disertion. The prisoner being brought before the Court pleads Guilty of Enlisting and disarting three times. The Court are of Oppinion that the Prisoner is guilty of a breach of the 1st. and 3rd. Article of the 6th Section of the Articles of War, and Sentence him to suffer Death. John Smith a soldier in the 8th. Virginia Regiment was brought Before the Court for disartion. Pleads guilty. The Court are of Oppinion that the prisoner is guilty of the 1st. Article of the 6th. Section of the Articles of War, and Sentence him to run the Gantlet once thro the Brigade.

James Cragy being brought before the Court for disartion pleads not guilty, and no evidence appearing the Court are of Oppinion that the prisoner be Releas’d from his confinement.

Geo. Walls Majr.

In Council May 19. 1780

The sentence of the court martial on George Ennis is remitted.

Th: Jefferson

MS (MHi); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Walls. TJ’s instruction is in his own hand. Endorsed in an unidentified hand: “Proceedings of Genl Court Martial Apl. 10th. 80.”

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