Thomas Jefferson Papers

Inventory of Supplies for the Virginia Line, with Jefferson’s Instructions, [7 April 1780]

Inventory of Supplies for the Virginia Line, with Jefferson’s Instructions

[7 April 1780]

Inventory of necessaries to compleat the Officers and soldiers of fifteen Regiments on continental establishment with Clothing for 435 Officers, 6810 non Commissioned Officers and privates.

Seven Quarter Cloth fit for Regimentals 2610
Linen Allowing 6 shirts each 9035
Stockings one half Silk 6 pair each 2610 pair
Stuff fit for summer Vests and Breeches 7430
Best shoes 870 Pr. but twice the number will not be too many  870
Hatts of the best kind  435
Cambrick for Stocks  652½ yds
Ditto for Ruffles  652½
Handkerchiefs 2610
Blanketts  435
Trimmings for Suits  870
For Non Commissioned Officers & Privs.
Hatts  6810
Coats Regimental blue if to be had  6810
Vests and Breeches Pr. of each of Blue  6810
Overhalls Allowing 2 pr. to each man 13620
Shirts Allowing 3 to each man 20430
Shoes Ditto Ditto 20430
Blanketts and black Stocks each  6810
Handkerchiefs 13620
Necessaries for 6 Regiments on State establishment
and four Troops of horse.
For 227 Officers Yds
seven quarter Cloth & trimmings for the same 1362
Linen for Shirts 4767
Cambrick for Stocks  340 ½
Stockings one half Silk 1362 pair
Shoes  908 Do.
Stuff fit for summer Vests and Breeches 3986 yds
Hatts of the best kind  227
Handkerchiefs 1362
Blankets  227
Necessaries For 3480 non Comd. Officers & Privates
Coats  3480
Vests  3480
Breeches pair of  3480
Overhalls allowing 2 pair to each man  6960
Shirts allowing three to each man 10440
Shoes pair of 10440
Blanketts and black Stocks each  3480
Hatts  3480
Handkerchiefs allowing 2 to each man  6960

Jas. Innes
Jas. Barron

In Council Apl. 7th. 1780.

This Schedule is calculated on a supposition that we have 6810 non commissioned Officers and Soldiers in fifteen Regiments in continental [. . . .] We have in continental Service in all our Regiments of infantry and troops of cavalry (including the detachment under Colo: Porterfield) only 4175 non commissioned Officers and Soldiers: which it will be our duty to raise as soon as we can to 6070 that being our whole quota required by congress. To these must be added about 200 State Troops detained in the Eastern department and about 700 which we suppose will be acting on the Western and the Navy. We therefore recommend to the board of Trade to reduce by this Scale the Schedules, and then procure the articles enumerated, endeavouring to get first those which are most wanted.

Th. Jefferson

Allowance for 60 Officers in Service at Charlestown.

  • 180 yards of Broad Cloth & Trimmings for 60 suits of Clothes
  • 300 yards of Linen for Shirts
  •  50 yards of cambrick for Ruffles
  •  60 pair of shoes
  •  90 Handkerchiefs
  • 270 yards of Jeans for summer Vests & Breeches
  •  60 Hatts

In Council Approved. Th: Jefferson

For twelve Officers in the Navy.

  • 72 yards of Blue broad Cloth & trimings for 12 Suits Linen for 72 Shirts Cambrick for Stocks & Ruffles 72 Handkerchiefs.
  • 24 pair of shoes.
  • 12 Fine Hatts.
  • 54 yards of Jeans for summer Vests and Breeches.
  • 72 pair of Stockings half of them Silk.

March 7th. 1780.

Jas. Innes

Jas. Barron

In Council Apl. 7th. 1780. Approved. Th: Jefferson

Schedule of Necessaries for the Army & Navy, for 1780.

  • 10,000 Wt. Brown Sugar. 5000 Wt. of Coffee. 1000 Wt. of Tea.
  •   2000 Wt. Loaf Ditto. 10,000 Gallons of Rum.

Jas. Innes

Jas. Barron

In Council Apl. 7th. 1780. Approved. Th: Jefferson

Deficient for the Virginia Troops in Continental Service by returns from John Moss Esquire

  • 737 yds Cloth, 697 Shirts, 191 yds Cambrick, 635 Stocks
  • 1416 Handkerchiefs, 789 pair of Silk Hose, 209 pr. Stocking[s]
  • 587 pair of Shoes, 150 Hatts, 1761 summer Vests & Breeches

By a requisition from the Board of War of Mar. 29th. 1780.

800 compleat suits of Clothes.

By requisition of the Board of War of 30th. of Mar. 1780.

100 Suits of Clothes, 200 Shirts, 100 pair of Leather Breeches 100 pair of Boots, 100 Horsemens Caps, 1000 suits of Regimentals for soldiers in Scotts Brigade, Clothing for five hundred Sailors viz. Jackets, shirts, Breeches, Overhalls, shoes, stockings, Hatts, Caps, &c. &c.

Jas. Innes

Jas. Barron

In Council Apl. 7th. 1780. Approved. Th: Jefferson

Tr in Board of War Letter Book (MiU-C).

Several of the requisitions from the Board of War are undated, while others are dated in March. Since all were approved by TJ in Council on 7 Apr., possibly they were accumulated and transmitted by the Board of Trade on that date. Or they may have been held up in council and signed in a group in order to complete business before the recess occasioned by the removal of the government from Williamsburg to Richmond (see Notice of the Removal of the Executive Office, 25 Mch. 1780).

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