To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 4 April 1780
From Philip Mazzei
Paris, 4 Apr. 1780. Abstract, with liberal quotations, of Edmund Burke’s speech in Parliament on Economical Reform, delivered 11 Feb. 1780. Sends text of Louis XVI’s message to the widow of Capt. Couedic, which Mazzei hopes will be translated for the “perusal of our people.” Enlarges on the good qualities of the French king.
RC (NN); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Mazzei; 4 p. At head of text: “10 [i.e., dispatch No. 10]. 1st. Copy.” The “3d Copy” of the same letter is also in NN, in a different hand, and is printed in Marraro, Mazzei, p. 35–8; see notes there.