Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Duncan Rose, 22 March 1780

From Duncan Rose

Williamsburg, 22 Mch. 1780. During the severe winter weather when there was a pressing demand for spirits and when an invasion was hourly expected, Rose made a contract with De Francy for rum, salt, and rice, all of which were badly needed for the army, and a portion of the supplies thus procured have been used for the troops. The Board of Trade refuses to take notice of the transaction without instructions from the executive. Countersigned: “In Council Mar. 25. 1780. It is recommended to the board of trade to carry into execution the preceding contract. Th: Jefferson.”

RC (Vi); 3 p. Printed in Official Letters description begins Official Letters of the Governors of the State of Virginia, ed. H. R. McIlwaine description ends , ii, 114.

On 25 Mch. the Board of Trade ordered the contract between Rose and DeFrancy to be executed in accordance with the following terms of exchange (Board of Trade Journal):

“100.℔ Tobo. for every Bushel salt.

150 ℔ Do. for every hundred weight
of rice

100.℔ do. 2½ Galls. french rum

100 ℔. do. for 1½ Gals. Jamaica rum.”

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