Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from the Board of War, with Reply, 15 February 1780

From the Board of War, with Reply

Williamsburg, 15 Feb. 1780. Encloses a letter from Lt. Col. Porterfield stating objections to the new quartermaster’s arrangement; these objections seem proper and will be given consideration if the executive approves. Signed by Innes and Lyne. Countersigned: “In Council Feb. 16. 1780. The board approve of giving Colo. Porterfield 200. Dolls. ⅌ month in Addition to the 600 Doll. ⅌ month formerly proposed. Th. Jefferson.”

Tr in Board of War Letter Book (MiU-C); 1 p. Enclosure not located.

For the new arrangement of the quartermaster’s department, see Board of War to TJ, 5? Feb. 1780.

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