Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from the Board of War, 1 December 1779

From the Board of War

War Office, Williamsburg December 1. 1779.


We enclose Mr. Dickson’s application to us, to annex a Salary to his Office. Conceiving it out of our Province to say what shall be his allowance, we take liberty to refer the Settlement of that matter, to your Honorable Board. We shall only beg leave to add that the Office of Cloathier is a very laborious and important One, the duties of which we can venture to assure your Excellency, Mr. Dickson has ever performed with Integrity and assiduity. We have the Honor to be Your Excellencys

jas. innes
wm. nelson
saml. griffin

RC (Vi). Addressed: “His Excellency the Governour.”

Mr. Dickson’s application: B. Dickson to the Board of War, 25 Nov. 1779 (Vi), enclosed, states that he had held his office four months and would like a determination of his salary and that of his assistant.

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