Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Harrison, 8 November 1779

To Benjamin Harrison

In Council Nov. 8. 1779.


The matter of the inclosed petition being proper for the discussion of the legislature alone, I do myself the honour of transmitting it to them through you: and am Sir Your most obedient servt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (Vi). Addressed: “The Honble Benjamin Harrison Esqr. Speaker of the House of Delegates.” Docketed: “Governo[r’s] Letter containing Capt. Dicks: Memorial November 8. 1779. referred to whole on the Commonwealth. Novr: 11th: 1779. Commee. of whole discharged herefrom & referred to Propositions, reasonable allowd. £2730.” Enclosure: Petition of Alexander Dick to the Governor and Council of Virginia, 8 Nov. 1779. Dick’s Memorial was dated 2 Nov. 1779 and is summarized above under that date.

The Committee of Propositions and Grievances made its report on the petition, 22 Nov. 1779 (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia (cited by session and date of publication) description ends , Oct. 1779, 1827 edn., p. 66). The Journal under 8 Nov. also mentions the enclosure of an “extract of a letter from Col. Shepherd [to TJ], respecting intrusions on the Indian lands upon the Ohio” (same, p. 46), but this letter has not been found.

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