Thomas Jefferson Papers

Board of Trade to Penet, D’Acosta Frères, 6 November 1779

Board of Trade to Penet, D’Acosta Frères

[Williamsburg] 6 Nov. 1779. The governor has written the Board to authorize Oliver Pollock of New Orleans to draw on Penet, D’Acosta Frères to the amount of 65,814 ⅝ Spanish milled dollars. This engagement was entered into by Peter Penet, and the order has been transmitted to Pollock. Signed (in clerk’s hand) by “J. Answer” [error for Ambler] and Dun[can] Rose, and countersigned (in clerk’s hand) by TJ.

Tr (CSmH); 1 p. At foot of text: “This is to certify that the above is true Copy taken from the Original New Orleans 20 Apl. 1782 William Smith.”

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