Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to William Preston, 15 October 1779

To William Preston

Williamsburg Oct. 15. 1779.


Having heard the disagreeable news of your illness, and that there was a doubt whether you would recover in time to attend to the duties of the commission for settling the Western titles, and the executing that commission being of very great importence, the executive has been induced, considering the great distance and the delays that would occasion, to direct the inclosed commission to be made out. I take the liberty of inclosing it to you, asking the favor of you if you should find yourself unable to proceed on the commission, to deliver it to Mr. McDowell; otherwise to destroy it. I am Sir Your very humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (Vi). Endorsements and memoranda on address leaf in an unidentified hand.

For the appointment of other commissioners for settling western titles see Appointment of Commissioners for Kentucky, 26 June 1779.

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